You know how your stomach growls
when you're really hungry?
That's how it started,
except the growling wasn't coming
from my stomach.
It was coming from behind my eyeballs....
"Help!" I screamed.
But my voice wasn't normal either.
It was the voice of a small person.
A very very very small person.
Meet Daniel Funk, a regular guy who's stuck living in a house full of girls. Why couldn't he have a brother instead of all those sisters? That would be so cool. When Daniel shrinks to the size of the fourth toe on his left foot, he discovers that he actually does have a brother. A little brother. A very little brother. He's Pablo Funk, Daniel's tiny twin, who is a toeful of trouble.
When Daniel and Pablo decide to have some fun at their sisters' party and let loose a giant hissing cockroach just to watch the girls scream, they find out that it's dangerous to be so small.
when you're really hungry?
That's how it started,
except the growling wasn't coming
from my stomach.
It was coming from behind my eyeballs....
"Help!" I screamed.
But my voice wasn't normal either.
It was the voice of a small person.
A very very very small person.
Meet Daniel Funk, a regular guy who's stuck living in a house full of girls. Why couldn't he have a brother instead of all those sisters? That would be so cool. When Daniel shrinks to the size of the fourth toe on his left foot, he discovers that he actually does have a brother. A little brother. A very little brother. He's Pablo Funk, Daniel's tiny twin, who is a toeful of trouble.
When Daniel and Pablo decide to have some fun at their sisters' party and let loose a giant hissing cockroach just to watch the girls scream, they find out that it's dangerous to be so small.
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When Daniel figures out how to control his shrinking, Pablo is ecstatic. Together, they come up with a whole list of fun things to do when you’re tiny—and at the top of the list is to take a teeny tiny rocket ride. So when Daniel joins a Model Rocket Building workshop, it’s the perfect chance. Daniel can build the rockets, launch Pablo, and then shrink down and get into his own rocket. But when Pablo and Daniel are separated in midair, things get sticky. Daniel lands safely next to a terrifying sabertooth tiger fossil, but Pablo lands somewhere in the La Brea Tar Pits. How do you find a mini-brother in a land of concrete sabertooth tigers?
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Daniel Funk always wanted a brother, but he’s got three sisters instead. Until he shrinks to the size of a toe—and discovers Pablo, his twin brother who’s always that small! Together, they have mountains of tiny-size fun. In Attack of the Growling Eyeballs, they release a hissing cockroach at one of their sister’s slumber party and learn that tiny-size trouble can cause mega-size danger. In Escape of the Mini-Mummy, Daniel enters the school diorama contest against Vince the Pizza Prince. Pablo comes along, disguised as a toilet-papered mummy. Can Pablo help Daniel win big, or will he create big-time Egyptian chaos?
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Daniel knows it would be dangerous if anyone found out about his tiny twin brother. But when his sister accidentally posts a video of Pablo on her blog, Daniel is catapulted to instant stardom. Everyone is wowed by his special-effects skills—because there couldn’t actually be a miniature boy dancing on camera, could there? Daniel’s fear of Pablo being discovered is soon overshadowed by the lure of superstardom. Everyone is thrilled for him—except Pablo. Pablo can’t help but be jealous—after all, it’s his talent that’s getting Daniel noticed. Pablo’s tired of being left in the background, and decides it’s time for a drastic move. Will Daniel come to his senses before Pablo changes their lives forever?
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